Friday, April 18, 2008

Slight Detour

I need to take a slight detour from my AS 50 challenge to get ready for the wedding of my good friend Baron Turold and Countess Dulcia at TMT (Trimarian Memorial Tourney). I have less than 6 weeks to create 4 complete 13th century garb for the wedding. I will be managing the feast and would like to help add to their period culture. I have enough redwood linen and harvest gold to make nice matching outfits for everyone and even the perfect azure blue and gold trim.

I started with Trevor my youngest son already. I am hand sewing his Breies and should be finished with them this weekend and will be able to start on the chausses in gold and his tunic will be red. Trevor is 10 and all the portraits I have found showed youth of this time period in very large tunics for the most part. This makes sense to me because why would you put them into something that they will grow out of quickly. A wedding or a portrait would show them in there newest and best and that would obviously (to me) be recently tailored to allow years of wear. So Trevor will have a long full redwood linen tunic with golden chausses. I will only use a small amount of trim at the cuffs for his piece.

Ian, my older son is 16 and is very particular about his garb. Being a 10th century Norse lad, he isn't too fond of the idea of chausses no matter "how period" they are. So I will cut narrow trousers to go with his boots and go for the "young huntsman" look. He will have a long sleeveless surcot over a golden tunic and the pants will be blue like the trim. I will have to make sure that he has a proper hat.

Dad Lars will be quite the different story. He has opted for a very long split over tunic with long sleeves an riding splits. He found a wonderful illustration that he has used for inspiration with horizontal bands of trim equally placed from shoulder to hem. It will look very grand on the red linen with golden chausses peeking out from inside. Yup, for those who know him, my Norse Lord is actually looking forward to dressing in a later period. Who knows....we might turn him into a "Cross-Century" dresser.......nahhhhh!

An Myself? Why I will have a simple long sleeve golden cote with the azure blue trim at the cuffs and a redwood sideless surcot with matching trim. Simple and elegant with a well cut wimple an fillet.

Pretty big order for only 6 weeks! I better get cracking! I'll post pictures as I get them.


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Poor Lars

Horror of Horrors!

Poor Lars! I made a mistake and put his favorite wool tunic into the dryer. Even though the wool had been preshrunk I had never allowed it to be dried on high before. I had always babied it because it was his favorite. He loves the embroidered cats on the front. Well, I'm glad we have this picture now because the tunic is ruined!

Yes, the linen facing obviously shrunk at a different rate and while the tunic will now fit my older son, the facing will have to be replaced. I am going to try to salvage the embroidery and put it on another tunic.

Wish me luck! I'll post it when it is done.